[Town of Barnet]
It was a transition year as Benjamin Heisholt took his first year in office as town clerk. In a report by the Selectmen they wrote about the highlights and challenges of what happened in Barnet this past year.
1.) Highway crew member Thomas Gould suffered a serious accident in March. Theresa Conant helped in his life-saving care miracle.
2.) Paving Projects: Barnet Center Road
Town Forest Road
Peacham-Groton Road
3.) Town and School Board helped with accommodating better parking and traffic flow at school. Widening KID Row, which many were concerned with the traffic of drop-off and pick-up of students.
4.) Road crew replaced 15 culverts and added outflow sections to others. NVDA Update: Brush cut Cloud Brook, Garland Hill, Campers Lane, Keyser Hill, Bunnell Lane, Little Scotland Roads
5.) A new freightliner six wheel dump truck was purchased.
6.) Town is working with the University of Vermont to remove stoplogs from the dam at Harvey's Lake. A in depth project is underway to undestand the conditions of the dam.
7.) New town garage. State Inspectors were impressed with the building. The project was paid through a savings plan by the town, without bond or grant money.
The Selectboard was confident about the Town's financial position in the tough economy.
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